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Yule and Capricorn New Moon 12/21 & 12/23

Bijou Julia Pounds

Aloha witches!

This year Yule, our longest night, comes with a fabulous Capricorn New Moon. I swear the energy couldn't be more perfectly aligned with the New Year and Winter.

The long night provides a space to dream. To think of how things could be if anything were possible. Our imagination crosses the bounds that rational thinking puts in place to feel in control. The illusion actually holds us back and takes away our control of what IS actually possible. On this night of the Wheel of the Year, the darkness is a blank canvas for all our dreams to come true. Maybe we feel safer when we believe it's just make believe? Maybe there is excitement in the escape?

The new moon combining with Yule increases our ability to dream, envision and let go of outdated constraints we've placed on ourselves. Before the New Year arrives, reflect on exactly what you want. Now take a step back to remove one or two limits you put on yourself.. Can you increase your goal a little bit? Can you make one change that feels a bit uncomfortable but also interesting? Follow those trains of thought to what would happen if you actually achieved these goals! How much farther could you go? How much more would you gain from achieving a little more?

The Capricorn New Moon is 1 degree in Cappy. The energy will be comforting. Capricorn raises awareness to how we treat ourselves and how we value ourselves.

We also have a square with Jupiter in Aries. The way we grow and expand into the world will be an apparent theme.

Chiron goes direct in Aries at the same time. Check in with your healing work since July when it began its retrograde.

The overall message for this New Moon is to invite your quirks and individuality to the surface. Let those parts of you expand. Look at how you frame yourself in your life. Listen to your self-talk. Meet this head on so that you can evaluate practically how the current pattern serves you. You will be more able to see things from a new perspective at this time.

Tap into your spirit of evolution. Venus 16 Cap trines Uranus 15 Taurus. Full of love, curiosity, willingness to evolve. Let the parts of you that you tend to hide come out more and more.

Put yourself out there with a bit more authenticity. Release how you WANT to be seen, and embrace how you feel when you are being seen. What little quirks make you feel like YOU and when and where can you let them out more? See yourself with love and the people around you will too.

Reflect on what success means and looks like for you. Can success simply be keeping your nervous system regulated all day? Does it have to be so material or can it be energetic too? How can you make small changes that will increase your level of success throughout the year? Keep your goals in mind. Commit fully to them, and to your goals around how you want to show up as this next version of yourself.

Also, it will be very important to give yourself permission to think outside the box... Allow solutions and ideas to be a complete change up from the patterns you've been holding for a long, long time.

This sense of evolution towards higher levels of authenticity pairs perfectly with the new start that Yule and the New Year bring!

Many blessings,


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